Mice Love Rice


I was working on homework while I had my iPod on shuffle and the song 老鼠爱大米 (Mice Love Rice) came on. I learned at FSLA that this song is one of the most popular love songs in China; the song has become one of my favorites. This song ended up distracting me and inspired me to practice writing characters. I figured I would start by practicing the phrase most people like to learn: I love you. Believe it or not, this took me a while to make!!! Chinese characters can only be drawn perfectly, or at least close to perfect, with time and patience. After a good 35 minutes I finished!

Total Hours: 201 with 35 minutes.


Study Time!


I decided to take some time today and review some of the things I learned during the summer. I love Mandarin Chinese and I want to make sure I don’t forget anything!! One hour is not much but I think I’m going to start dedicating more time to my Chinese study time!!

Total Hours: 201


My School Binder


Well school has started and I am still eager to keep on learning Chinese. To make sure I don’t forget my goal, I wrote my Chinese name on the cover!


I Did It!!!


Thanks to my instructors, Rao and Ying, I was able to complete this three week immersion program. Ryan was my counselor and thanks to his guidance I was able to successfully complete this adventure.


My Chinese Class

Here is my Chinese class!! I have been living and spending time with them for almost three weeks. We have all been helping each other by having study groups to prepare for quizzes.


Photo by Ling Rao and permission given by UNG Continuing Education


Practicing Calligraphy


Today in class we took some time to practice calligraphy.In this picture, the characters for my name can be seen.


Chinese Name


This is how my Chnese name looks. I’ve been really practicng the characters in hopes that one day I’ll be able to succesfully write the Chinese characters. It’s a work in progress but I really hope one day my chinese characters will look like the ones my teacher writes.


Charades In Chinese


Today in class we had to present in front of the class. I had to go to the front of the classroom and tell my classmates about my family. It was a bit intimidating because my Chinese needs a lot of work. I feel more comfortable writing Chinese because I don’t have to worry about saying something the wrong way.


My Tutor Yi


This is Yi Zeng. She is my Chinese tutor and she graduated from the University of Georgia. She is a native Chinese speaker and she came to the United States in the year 2008 to pursue her master’s degree in foreign language Education




The look most of us had the first couple of days in Chinese class.

Photo by Rao Ling and permission given by UNG Continuing Education


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